Thursday, November 28, 2019
Why Do Teens Contemplate To Suicide Essay Example For Students
Why Do Teens Contemplate To Suicide? Essay Why do Teens Contemplate to Suicide?As the third largest cause of death between the ages of 15 and 24, the adolescent suicide rate has tripled since 1960. This is the only age group in which an increase has occurred over the last three decades. While there are approximately 10,000 reported teen suicides annually, it is estimated that the number of teen suicides is actually three to four times that number when unreported deaths and suicide equivalents are added. The teenage years are a period of turmoil for just about everyone. Youre learning new social roles, developing new relationships, getting used to the changes in your body, and making decisions about your future. And when youre looking for answers to problems, it can seem like no one has them. That can make a person feel quite alone. Teenagers experience strong feelings, confusion, self-doubt, pressure to succeed, financial uncertainty, and other fears while growing up. Teenagers commit suicide because there is too much pain in their lives and they can do one of the two things; move from the pain or learn to cope with the pain. While some teenagers learn to cope with the pain, others attempt suicide. Suicide among young people have increased nationwide in the recent years and it is important that everyone is aware of the major causes, symptoms, and methods of prevention of this self-inflicted death. We will write a custom essay on Why Do Teens Contemplate To Suicide? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now To further understand suicide, one must take a look at the different reasons behind the act itself. Suicide is not a genetic disease, but rather a series of events that are very depressing or stressful. Without depression, most people would not attempt to take their own lives. Depression is a vital issue in almost every suicide attempt. The victim feels very depressed and everything seems to be going the wrong way. Depression is not just sadness. Depression is a mild form mental illness, which can be permanent or temporary. It can be simple things like the loss of interest in usual activities. The start of what leads a person to suicide does not have anything to do with the persons present life experiences, but with their early childhood experiences. This is because the view of others, outside family and friends, has no contribution to the pain that causes suicide and depression. Depression can include self-pity, shame, envy, and grandiosity. All of these things play a role in depres sion one way or another. Depressed people are usually subject to desire and grandiose ideation. Grandiosity is best described as when a person starts thinking they are above everyone and everything else. They absurdly exaggerate many things in their lives just for attention it brings them. Envy, another cause of depression, has two aspects. In its primary sense, envy is the experience of pain when a person sees that someone else has something desirable, which he would like. Envy is also the experience of pleasure, when the person who has that desired quality suffers misfortune. Shame, in depression, is usually aimed inward toward the victim, or depressed person. When self-pity, another depression mode, is thought of , it usually brings up the feelings of being sad or angry for mistakes that happened in the past. Depressed adolescents frequently communicate their despair before they act out in this final act of desperation. Teens tend to reflect their dysphoria with action rather tha n words. For example, they are inclined to withdraw from others, complain of boredom, and have an increasingly difficult time concentrating. School performance tends to suffer and changes in personality may include increased aggression. Depression is like a bad dream, but with help, a person can overcome this bad dream and awake. The biology of the brain, genetics, psychological traits, and social forces all can contribute to suicide. Biological research indicates that suicidal behavior runs in families, suggesting that genetic and biological factors play a role in ones suicide risk. Among one community of Amish people in Pennsylvania, almost three-quarters of all suicides that occurred over a 100-year period were in just four families. Studies of twins reared apart provide some support for a genetic influence in suicide. People may inherit a genetic predisposition to certain psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and alcoholism that increase the risk of suicide. In addition, a n inability to control impulsive and violent behavior have biological roots. Research has found lower than normal levels of substance associated with the brain chemical serotonin in people with impulsive aggressiveness. In the early 1900s, Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud developed some of the first psychological theories of suicide. He emphasized the role of hostility turned against the self. American psychiatrist Karl Menninger elaborated on Freuds ideas. He suggested that all suicides have three interrelated and unconscious dimensions: revenge/hate (a wish to kill), depression/hopelessness (a wish to die), and guilt (a wish to be killed). An American psychologist considered to be a pioneer in the modern study of suicide, Edwin Schneidman, has described several common characteristics of suicides. These include a sense of unbearable psychological pain, a sense of isolation from others, and the perception that death is the only solution to problems about which one feels hopeless ness and helpless. Cognitive theorists, who study how people process information, emphasize the role of inflexible thinking or tunnel vision and an inability to generate solutions to problems. According to psychologists, many suicide attempts are a symbolic cry for help, an effort to reach out and receive attention. Most social scientists believe that a societys structure and values can influence suicide rates. French sociologist Emile Durkheim argued that suicide rates are related to social integration-that is, the degree to which an individual feels part of a larger group. Durkheim found suicide was more likely when a person lacked social bonds or had relationships disrupted through a sudden change in status, such as unemployment. As one example of the significance of social bonds, suicide rates among adults are lower for married people than for divorced, widowed, or single people. Studies consistently show that although suicidal people do not appear to have greater life stress th an others, they lack effective strategies to cope with stress. In addition, they are more likely than others to have had family loss and turmoil, such as the death of a family member, separation or divorce of their parents, or child abuse or neglect. The parents of those who attempt suicide have a greater frequency of mental illness and substance abuse than other parents. However, suicide occurs in all types of families, including those with little apparent turmoil. Suicidal behavior has numerous and complex causes and not just one event triggers this act of self-injury, however it is a combination of events that cause an individual to turn to lethal methods. Many of the symptoms of suicidal feelings are similar to those of depression. Parents should be aware of the following signs of adolescents who may try to kill themselves. Child and adolescent psychiatrists recommend that if one or more of these signs occurs, parents need to talk to their child about their concerns and seek pro fessional help when the concerns persist. Signs and symptoms include:? Change in eating and sleeping habits. .u9d0a2d5afd36ca2a553a59f78efe1e4d , .u9d0a2d5afd36ca2a553a59f78efe1e4d .postImageUrl , .u9d0a2d5afd36ca2a553a59f78efe1e4d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9d0a2d5afd36ca2a553a59f78efe1e4d , .u9d0a2d5afd36ca2a553a59f78efe1e4d:hover , .u9d0a2d5afd36ca2a553a59f78efe1e4d:visited , .u9d0a2d5afd36ca2a553a59f78efe1e4d:active { border:0!important; } .u9d0a2d5afd36ca2a553a59f78efe1e4d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9d0a2d5afd36ca2a553a59f78efe1e4d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9d0a2d5afd36ca2a553a59f78efe1e4d:active , .u9d0a2d5afd36ca2a553a59f78efe1e4d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9d0a2d5afd36ca2a553a59f78efe1e4d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9d0a2d5afd36ca2a553a59f78efe1e4d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9d0a2d5afd36ca2a553a59f78efe1e4d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9d0a2d5afd36ca2a553a59f78efe1e4d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9d0a2d5afd36ca2a553a59f78efe1e4d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9d0a2d5afd36ca2a553a59f78efe1e4d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9d0a2d5afd36ca2a553a59f78efe1e4d .u9d0a2d5afd36ca2a553a59f78efe1e4d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9d0a2d5afd36ca2a553a59f78efe1e4d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: HYPERLINK Hadrian Essay? Withdrawal from friends, and family and regular activities. ? Violent actions, rebellious behavior or running away. ? Drug and alcohol abuse. ? Unusual neglect of personal appearance. ? Marked personality change. ? Persistent boredom, difficult concentrating, or a decline in the quality of schoolwork. ? Frequent complaints about physical symptoms, often related to emotions, such as stomachaches, headaches, fatigue, etc. ? Loss of interest in pleasurable activities. ? Not tolerating praise or rewards. Young people who are depressed and suicidal often hide those feelings at home and a school, although they may confide in their friends, often binding them to secrecy. Some of them, especially young teens may not be aware what they are feeling is depression. Depressed teens may fall off dramatically in school performance and have difficulty in concentration. If a child or adolescent says, I want to kill myself, one must always take the statement seriously and seek evaluation from a child and adolescent psychiatrist. With support from family and professional treatment, children and teenagers who are suicidal can heal and return to a healthier path of development. Because depression precedes most suicides, early recognition of depression and treatment through medication and psychotherapy are important ways of preventing suicide. In general, suicide prevention efforts aim to identify people with the highest risk of suicide and to intervene before these individuals become suicidal. A pers on who observes the many signs of suicide should ask the individual in question whether he or she is thinking of suicide. If so, the observer should refer the person to a trained mental health professional to reduce the immediate risk of suicide and to treat the problems that led the person to consider suicide. Most suicides can be prevented because the suicidal state of mind is usually temporary. In the United States, mental health professionals established the first major suicide-prevention telephone hotlines in the 1950s. Counselors or trained volunteers usually staff the hotlines around the clock. The staff members provide a listening ear to those in despair and tell callers where they can go to receive professional help. An increasing number of schools have suicide-prevention programs that trains students, teachers, and school staff to recognize warning signs and tell them where to refer students at risk of suicide. Another prevention method involves restricting access to means of killing oneself. Barriers that prevent people from jumping off bridges, for example, and restrictions on access to firearms have shown some effectiveness in reducing suicides. Sometimes, we treat suicide as a joke or deny it, but if a relative or friend brings it up, one must take it seriously and take some time to talk about it. Every year more than 35,000 people in America, reportedly die because of suicide. Once again, it is essential that one is aware of the significant causes, symptoms and signs, and prevention methods of suicide. A shocking five million people in America have attempted suicide and failed. There are many signs and reasons people commit and attempt to commit suicide. They are usually in extreme emotional pain. They do not see another way out of their problems. These victims of emotions running rampant need lots of love and understanding. But what they need most is someone to really listen to them and tell them, I do not want you to die. Psychology Essays Why do Teens Contemplate to Suicide Essay Example For Students Why do Teens Contemplate to Suicide Essay Why do Teens Contemplate to Suicide?As the third largest cause of death between the ages of 15 and 24, the adolescent suicide rate has tripled since 1960. This is the only age group in which an increase has occurred over the last three decades. While there are approximately 10,000 reported teen suicides annually, it is estimated that the number of teen suicides is actually three to four times that number when unreported deaths and suicide equivalents are added. The teenage years are a period of turmoil for just about everyone. Youre learning new social roles, developing new relationships, getting used to the changes in your body, and making decisions about your future. And when youre looking for answers to problems, it can seem like no one has them. That can make a person feel quite alone. Teenagers experience strong feelings, confusion, self-doubt, pressure to succeed, financial uncertainty, and other fears while growing up. Teenagers commit suicide because there is too much pain in their lives and they can do one of the two things; move from the pain or learn to cope with the pain. While some teenagers learn to cope with the pain, others attempt suicide. Suicide among young people have increased nationwide in the recent years and it is important that everyone is aware of the major causes, symptoms, and methods of prevention of this self-inflicted death. We will write a custom essay on Why do Teens Contemplate to Suicide specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now To further understand suicide, one must take a look at the different reasons behind the act itself. Suicide is not a genetic disease, but rather a series of events that are very depressing or stressful. Without depression, most people would not attempt to take their own lives. Depression is a vital issue in almost every suicide attempt. The victim feels very depressed and everything seems to be going the wrong way. Depression is not just sadness. Depression is a mild form mental illness, which can be permanent or temporary. It can be simple things like the loss of interest in usual activities. The start of what leads a person to suicide does not have anything to do with the persons present life experiences, but with their early childhood experiences. This is because the view of others, outside family and friends, has no contribution to the pain that causes suicide and depression. Depression can include self-pity, shame, envy, and grandiosity. All of these things play a role in depres sion one way or another.Depressed people are usually subject to desire and grandiose ideation. Grandiosity is best described as when a person starts thinking they are above everyone and everything else. They absurdly exaggerate many things in their lives just for attention it brings them. Envy, another cause of depression, has two aspects. In its primary sense, envy is the experience of pain when a person sees that someone else has something desirable, which he would like. Envy is also the experience of pleasure, when the person who has that desired quality suffers misfortune. Shame, in depression, is usually aimed inward toward the victim, or depressed person. When self-pity, another depression mode, is thought of , it usually brings up the feelings of being sad or angry for mistakes that happened in the past. Depressed adolescents frequently communicate their despair before they act out in this final act of desperation. Teens tend to reflect their dysphoria with action rather than words. For example, they are inclined to withdraw from others, complain of boredom, and have an increasingly difficult time concentrating. School performance tends to suffer and changes in personality may include increased aggression. Depression is like a bad dream, but with help, a person can overcome this bad dream and awake. The biology of the brain, genetics, psychological traits, and social forces all can contribute to suicide. Biological research indicates that suicidal behavior runs in families, suggesting that genetic and biological factors play a role in ones suicide risk. Among one community of Amish people in Pennsylvania, almost three-quarters of all suicides that occurred over a 100-year period were in just four families. Studies of twins reared apart provide some support for a genetic influence in suicide. People may inherit a genetic predisposition to certain psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and alcoholism that increase the risk of suicide. In addition, an inability to control impulsive and violent behavior have biological roots. Research has found lower than normal levels of substance associated with the brain chemical serotonin in people with impulsive aggressiveness. In the early 1900s, Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud developed some of the first psychological theories of suicide. He emphasized the role of hostility turned against the self. American psychiatrist Karl Menninger elaborated on Freuds ideas. He suggested that all suicides have three interrelated and unconscious dimensions: revenge/hate (a wish to kill), depression/hopelessness (a wish to die), and guilt (a wish to be killed). An American psychologist considered to be a pioneer in the modern study of suicide, Edwin Schneidman, has described several common characteristics of suicides. These include a sense of unbearable psychological pain, a sense of isolation from others, and the perception that death is the only solution to problems about which one feels hopelessn ess and helpless. Cognitive theorists, who study how people process information, emphasize the role of inflexible thinking or tunnel vision and an inability to generate solutions to problems. According to psychologists, many suicide attempts are a symbolic cry for help, an effort to reach out and receive attention. Most social scientists believe that a societys structure and values can influence suicide rates. French sociologist Emile Durkheim argued that suicide rates are related to social integration-that is, the degree to which an individual feels part of a larger group. Durkheim found suicide was more likely when a person lacked social bonds or had relationships disrupted through a sudden change in status, such as unemployment. As one example of the significance of social bonds, suicide rates among adults are lower for married people than for divorced, widowed, or single people. Studies consistently show that although suicidal people do not appear to have greater life stress tha n others, they lack effective strategies to cope with stress. In addition, they are more likely than others to have had family loss and turmoil, such as the death of a family member, separation or divorce of their parents, or child abuse or neglect. The parents of those who attempt suicide have a greater frequency of mental illness and substance abuse than other parents. However, suicide occurs in all types of families, including those with little apparent turmoil. Suicidal behavior has numerous and complex causes and not just one event triggers this act of self-injury, however it is a combination of events that cause an individual to turn to lethal methods. Many of the symptoms of suicidal feelings are similar to those of depression. Parents should be aware of the following signs of adolescents who may try to kill themselves. Child and adolescent psychiatrists recommend that if one or more of these signs occurs, parents need to talk to their child about their concerns and seek prof essional help when the concerns persist. Signs and symptoms include:? Change in eating and sleeping habits. .u3a3d066afedd8c5bd4c42ec51f2225cd , .u3a3d066afedd8c5bd4c42ec51f2225cd .postImageUrl , .u3a3d066afedd8c5bd4c42ec51f2225cd .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3a3d066afedd8c5bd4c42ec51f2225cd , .u3a3d066afedd8c5bd4c42ec51f2225cd:hover , .u3a3d066afedd8c5bd4c42ec51f2225cd:visited , .u3a3d066afedd8c5bd4c42ec51f2225cd:active { border:0!important; } .u3a3d066afedd8c5bd4c42ec51f2225cd .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3a3d066afedd8c5bd4c42ec51f2225cd { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3a3d066afedd8c5bd4c42ec51f2225cd:active , .u3a3d066afedd8c5bd4c42ec51f2225cd:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3a3d066afedd8c5bd4c42ec51f2225cd .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3a3d066afedd8c5bd4c42ec51f2225cd .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3a3d066afedd8c5bd4c42ec51f2225cd .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3a3d066afedd8c5bd4c42ec51f2225cd .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3a3d066afedd8c5bd4c42ec51f2225cd:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3a3d066afedd8c5bd4c42ec51f2225cd .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3a3d066afedd8c5bd4c42ec51f2225cd .u3a3d066afedd8c5bd4c42ec51f2225cd-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3a3d066afedd8c5bd4c42ec51f2225cd:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: humanities Essay? Withdrawal from friends, and family and regular activities. ? Violent actions, rebellious behavior or running away. ? Unusual neglect of personal appearance. ? Persistent boredom, difficult concentrating, or a decline in the quality of schoolwork. ? Frequent complaints about physical symptoms, often related to emotions, such as stomachaches, headaches, fatigue, etc. ? Loss of interest in pleasurable activities. ? Not tolerating praise or rewards. Young people who are depressed and suicidal often hide those feelings at home and a school, although they may confide in their friends, often binding them to secrecy. Some of them, especially young teens may not be aware what they are feeling is depression. Depressed teens may fall off dramatically in school performance and have difficulty in concentration. If a child or adolescent says, I want to kill myself, one must always take the statement seriously and seek evaluation from a child and adolescent psychiatrist. With support from family and professional treatment, children and teenagers who are suicidal can heal and return to a healthier path of development. Because depression precedes most suicides, early recognition of depression and treatment through medication and psychotherapy are important ways of preventing suicide. In general, suicide prevention efforts aim to identify people with the highest risk of suicide and to intervene before these individuals become suicidal. A pers on who observes the many signs of suicide should ask the individual in question whether he or she is thinking of suicide. If so, the observer should refer the person to a trained mental health professional to reduce the immediate risk of suicide and to treat the problems that led the person to consider suicide. Most suicides can be prevented because the suicidal state of mind is usually temporary. In the United States, mental health professionals established the first major suicide-prevention telephone hotlines in the 1950s. Counselors or trained volunteers usually staff the hotlines around the clock. The staff members provide a listening ear to those in despair and tell callers where they can go to receive professional help. An increasing number of schools have suicide-prevention programs that trains students, teachers, and school staff to recognize warning signs and tell them where to refer students at risk of suicide. Another prevention method involves restricting access to means of killing oneself. Barriers that prevent people from jumping off bridges, for example, and restrictions on access to firearms have shown some effectiveness in reducing suicides. Sometimes, we treat suicide as a joke or deny it, but if a relative or friend brings it up, one must take it seriously and take some time to talk about it. Every year more than 35,000 people in America, reportedly die because of suicide. Once again, it is essential that one is aware of the significant causes, symptoms and signs, and prevention methods of suicide. A shocking five million people in America have attempted suicide and failed. There are many signs and reasons people commit and attempt to commit suicide. They are usually in extreme emotional pain. They do not see another way out of their problems. These victims of emotions running rampant need lots of love and understanding. But what they need most is someone to really listen to them and tell them, I do not want you to die. Bibliography:BibliographyBlumental, Susan and Kupfer, Davis. Suicide Across the Life Cycle. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, Inc., 1990. Hyde, Margaret O. and Elizabeth H. Forsythe. Suicide: The Hidden Epidemic. New York: Franklin Watts, 1987. Klerman, Gerald L. Suicide and Depression Among Adolescents and Young Adults. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, Inc. 1986. Roy, Alec, editor. Suicide. Baltimore, Maryland: Williams and Wilkins, 1986.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Victorias Secret Essay Example
Victorias Secret Essay Example Victorias Secret Essay Victorias Secret Essay Store location is an important decision for retailers because location is ââ¬Å"typically one of the most influential considerations in a customerââ¬â¢s store-choice decisionâ⬠(Retailing, 167). Most consumers choose which store to visit based on close proximity to home or work, comfort level, and other surrounding retailers so shopping stays relaxing and a lot of driving isnââ¬â¢t needed. Victoriaââ¬â¢s Secret in the Beverly Center is in a shopping mall. Reasoning behind the store being placed in the mall across from the elevators in the center is because malls have high amounts of traffic. Another reason why a mall location has its advantages, because malls provide the chance to combine shopping with entertainment, a great place to walk around catch up with friends while getting your shopping done, bringing in large numbers of people a day. Victoriaââ¬â¢s Secret in the Beverly Center is a leader in lingerie, with Fredrickââ¬â¢s of Hollywood as their largest competitor is far from this location. Therefore shoppers at the Beverly Center who are looking for affordable lingerie will venture in to Victoriaââ¬â¢s Secret. Victoriaââ¬â¢s Secret is a multi-channel retailer, from stores, to online, to catalogs. All this was due to Sonia. One night lying in bed I decided I loved her and would do anything for her. I couldnt sleep thinking of her but I didnt care. The next day while taking a short cut coming home from school I saw some wild flowers and picked them for Sonia. I went by her window to give them to her. Oh sweetie, she said, theyre beautiful, and she told me to press my lips to the glass and kissed me. It was warm and wet and I held my lips there for a long time not wanting it to end. You better take off sweetie, she said I dont want to get into trouble. When I got home mother was more smothering than usual. I dont know whats gotten into you lately, she said. You look like youre in another world. Are you taking drugs? Because if I find out your taking drugs I will not let you leave the house. You will not have any privileges. Im going to arrange to have you drug-tested, Im calling the consoler at school. And to think of all Ive done and this is how you pay me back. Dont you roll your eyes at me. After that I laid in bed and thought of Sonia, how Id like to take her far far away, where itd just be me and her and we could just hold each other and talk. The next day when I went to see Sonia she told me to come closer to the window; she told me to put my ear against the glass, she didnt want anyone else to hear what she was about to say. Listen sweetie, she whispered, are you serious about me? I nodded. I dont mean like little boy puppy love stuff, I mean do you love me? I nodded again more emphatically. Look I cant stand another night of sitting in this window or Ill go nuts. Howd you like to bust me out of here and take me somewhere far, far away? Itll be just you and me. My heart almost burst out of my chest. Funny thing was because Id fantasied about going away with her and I already had a plan. I told Sonia Id be back that night. After mother fell asleep I tiptoed into her room and fumbled around for her car keys and twelve hundred in cash that she kept stashed in her drawer. When I pulled up to Victorias Secret, Sonia was awake. The street was eerily quiet. I threw a brick through the window, which triggered the alarm. I climbed in and scooped Sonia up and put her in the car. It was difficult getting her in the front seat, I had to bend her legs, she couldnt move them because they were stuck in the same position for so long. Step on it she said, the cops will be here any minute. I got on the freeway and headed south. Even though it was drizzling it was smooth sailing. I knew youd come through for me, youre my man-child, Sonia said. I gave her a quick kiss on the lips and held her hand. This was heaven. Sweetie when we settle in for the night Im going to do things to you that you never imagined. Im going to give you the ride of your life. Heaven just got a little better I thought. I saw a Best-Western and pulled off. Sonia told me to check in first, then to come out and get her, she still couldnt walk. The clerk looked at me suspiously. I told him my mom was in the car but she was sick and throwing up. When I pulled out a hundred he gave me the key. I carried Sonia into the room, locked the door and laid her on the bed. I looked at her lacy lingerie, her long legs spread slightly. I couldnt believe she was going to be mine. This was going to be the night of my life. Sonia, your quiet, I said. Dont tell me youre asleep? She didnt answer. I shook her but she didnt say anything, oddly her skin felt like plastic. I tried to wake her with a kiss but they tasted like plastic too. I feel asleep and when I came to she still wouldnt wake up. I started screaming at her. I needed her but she just lay there like a dummy. She didnt seem like a real person. Sonia, I yelled, you cant treat me like this. You promised me, that if I got you out youd be with me, you said I was your sweet man-child. I couldnt control myself. I yelled louder, you just used me, you bitch. Then I heard a key opening the door. It was the motel manager with the cops. They pinned me down and took me away. Mother had me committed. The consolers give me medication and a lot of therapy. They say I have to get back into reality. But they dont know that Sonia is the cause of all my problems. She just used me.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Write an analytical paper on the influence the media has had on the Research
Write an analytical on the influence the media has had on the political system - Research Paper Example egative aspects of media will be highlighted along with positive aspects so as to have a clear understanding on the influence of media on political system. The entire research study will be based on secondary research as the analysis will be performed on different views or opinions given by experts. At the end of the study a brief conclusion shall outline the major areas of political system which has been influenced by media. The major aim of this research study is to analyze the media influence on political system. This study would outline the past as well as current influences which are caused by media on politics. The objectives of the research study are- The research question for the study is ââ¬â ââ¬Å"what is the influence the media had or has on political system?â⬠Research findings will be aligned with this particular research question and aim of the study. As per Baumgarten & Voltmer (2010), media effects or media influence are generally used in communication theory, sociology and media studies to refer to appropriate theories highlighting the impact of media culture and mass media on respective audience. The process of agenda setting is an unavoidable component of news that is collected by bigger organizations and it corresponds to maximum percentage of mass media. Media often produces material which is serious and impartial; they are even accorded a greater degree of authority and respect. In real time scenario, the ethics of television and press is related to hegemonic establishment that provides essential support to existing system. ââ¬Å"Seeing is Believingâ⬠is a famous article of 1991 which was written by Greg Philo and it described the minerââ¬â¢s strike taking place in United Kingdom was strongly correlated with presentation of media about the event. In this article it was highlighted that media was able to grab atte ntion of millions of people located across the globe so as to contribute their opinion towards the violence occurring in the country
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Management accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Management accounting - Essay Example 20-25, 2003). The type, number, or volume of the products does not directly drive these costs. Several costs even within a factory are questionable for the same reason. Moreover, substantial material vendors and customer also impel quite a few costs. ââ¬Å"In fact there is no single correct (product) cost figureâ⬠(Walker, 22, 1999). Costs centers hold records of the financial transactions of the organizations, which they use to calculate their product costs. Several methods for this exist where different organizations may employ unique methods. The simplest of the aforementioned methods for product costing, employs only direct costs. Earlier, labor costs received greater importance. Companies carried out everything manually. The number of employees involved dictated the output volume. Then came the time when machines began to substitute labour in production. This progress posed a problem to the prevailing costing method because most of the machine costs are depreciation costs and are not comparable to direct labor costs (Fritzsch, pp. 83-89, 1997). Organizations and experts highlighted several more weaknesses of the traditional accounting system because it was not compatible with the development of the new business methods. To overcome the weaknesses of the simple product costing method, accounting experts introduced standard costing. Standard costing method uses Bill of Material (BOM) and the capacity demand of the product to calculate the product cost. To calculate direct costs, the accountant considers raw material costs and labor costs, as incurred per unit of production. Whereas, to calculate indirect costs, they use the product of multiplier factors (predetermined rates) and the direct costs (Broadbent et al., pp. 31-37, 2003). Although standard costing is an easy and appropriate way for actual cost follow-up, it may lead to inappropriate decisions when used erroneously in future planning. The basic issue with standard product costing is that it do es not provide sufficient information to facilitate the user to control the overheads and other indirect costs related to the product. For instance, accounting experts express the production overheads multiplier as an additional percentage of the product direct cost. Recursive calculations from past accounting figures drive this value and it usually allows a rising trend for overheads when managers use it as a standard for a new product (Shank & Fisher, 77, 1999). Having seen the drawbacks of simple and standard costing systems, experts in the field have been attempting to formulate generic costing methods since decades. For example, traditional costing methods include only the manufacturing costs in the total unit cost of each product. However, the new concepts in cost management require the accountants to cross the usual limits of product costing methods by applying all organizational costs in a more applicable and informative way and attaching them to cost objects such as a proce ss, product, customer etc (Broadbent et al., pp. 41-48, 2003). The design of such advance cost management system (ACMS) requires companies to integrate the new concepts practically in the business processes and operating systems (Schnoebelen, 52, 1993a).à ââ¬ËActivity-based costingââ¬â¢ is one of such advance cost management systems. Activity based costing technique is a way of assigning
Monday, November 18, 2019
Db4 2 managing organiz change Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Db4 2 managing organiz change - Research Paper Example For instance, organizations consult to have their staff trained in using more sophisticated technology, for knowledge on the best programs to employ, cost implications involved, and structural adjustment needed. The impact of technology on the process of organizational change is evident considering a significant number of businesses are continuously incorporating the latest technology in their operations (Kiernan, 1995). Currently, almost all organizations have set a technology and information system department with the aim of achieving a more efficient and profitable change process. In my opinion using technology as a catalyst or the means of implementing change should be considered positive. Technological programs allow quick communication, sharing and transfer of information among employees regardless the location. For example, the VIP Task manager is one of the software commonly used during organizational-change process. It enables organizations pass information to its clients, update management plan, as well as, enhancing collaborations and communication of change strategies (TMG, 2004). In conclusion, with the current advancements in technology more programs on change management are expected. For instance, programs that allow access of internet in developing areas will enable organizations develop business in area that could not before due to lack of communication means. Additionally, incorporating technology will lead organizational change focusing on global strategies so as to be competitive globally. Task Management Guide (TMG). (2004). Change management software - example of effective tool for carrying out organizational management. Retrieved from
Friday, November 15, 2019
Is The Concept Of Physician Assisted Suicide Ethical Philosophy Essay
Is The Concept Of Physician Assisted Suicide Ethical Philosophy Essay Is it ethical for a physician to participate in physician-assisted suicide when this practice clearly defies what is stated in the Hippocratic Oath? People look at their personal physician as a healer or lifesaver but what if the physician gave you the option to end your life in the situation of chronic, painful illness or injury? Would this cloud your opinion of them or would you still consider them to be helping us? Is it ethical to train physicians to assist in suicide? These questions are what I want to discuss throughout this paper. I would like to discuss the beliefs and opinions on the topic of physician-assisted suicide through the eyes of medical professionals, the Hippocratic Oath, states countries that have legalized this practice, various religious beliefs, and different moral theories such as Kant and Utilitarianism. The background of this practice will also be discussed. In the areas of the world where it is legalized, should there be certain criteria in place in order to receive it? What about the perspective of insurance companies on the matter? Is this truly devaluing human life? This is a very controversial topic that I hope to make more understandable. 2. Background Physician-assisted suicide is a form of euthanasia in which the physician does not actually give the patient a life-ending drug, but provides the patient with the drug that they can take themselves. It is a form of suicide, with the doctor providing the materials used to carry it out (Mackinnon 141). The Netherlands and Great Britain have legalized physician-assisted-suicide. This practice has not been legalized in every state in North America. Montana and Oregon currently allow the practice with no legal consequences for the physician who participates. Thirty five states currently have laws making it a crime to assist in a suicide. Oregon was the first state to pass the Death With Dignity Act, which allowed physician-assisted suicide to be practiced, but there are certain criteria that must be met for it to be considered legal. Two doctors must examine the patient and come to the conclusion that he or she is mentally stable and has less than six months to live. This must then be certified by a third doctor. The patient has to submit a written request as well as an oral request. A few days following, the patient is given a barbiturate: secobarbital or pentobarbital, and they must take the medication on their own (Mackinnon 143). When researching among patients the reason for requesting physician-assisted suicide, it was not to relieve pain or financial problems, but to preserve autonomy and personal control. Using Kants moral theory to view this situation, others would look at the motives behind the action. Why are they doing this? For what reason? Some may even view it as a selfish act. Family and friends would be put through much sadness if a loved one were to have their live ended, but they need to consider the true reasoning behind the request for physician-assisted suicide. They want control of their own lives. One physician, Dr. Jack Kevorkian, was a well known right-to-die activist, who in the 1990s, assisted in more than 100 suicides. He believed that people who were suffering from an illness or injury and that wanted to end their life, had the right to die. He believed these people deserved control of their own bodies and lives. He created a euthanasia device consisting of a metal pole that had containers of medications attached to it. The medications were then connected to a line going into the persons vein. The patient would push a button, starting a flow of simple saline into their bodies. Anesthesia would then run into their bodies, causing them to become unconscious. About a minute following, potassium chloride would then start to flow, causing cardiac arrest, and death. Kevorkian was brought to trial in numerous cases but never convicted of what many considered homicide. After allowing the euthanasia of one of his patients to be videotaped and aired on television, it was seen that Kevorkian directly administered the deadly medication himself to this certain pat ient. He was then arrested and found guilty of first-degree homicide, sentenced to spend ten to twenty-five years in prison. When asked if he believes physicians should offer the option to end life to their patients, Dr. Kevorkian solemnly stated This is a medical service. It always was (Almeder, Humber, and Kasting 100). Are physicians not trained to improve our health or save our life? This leads to much debate on the subject. The Hippocratic Oath The Hippocratic Oath, believed to have been written by Hippocrates in 5th century B.C., is recited by physicians upon graduation from medical school. This oath states that as a physician these new graduates swear to practice medicine ethically. When applying this to the subject of physician-assisted suicide, we should focus upon this quote taken from the Oath: I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan; and similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion. Physicians are trained in medical school to do what they can in any given situation to save a life. They are taught about various treatments and medications that work to preserve human life, not end it. Physicians do have obligations to their patients, which include relieving pain and suffering. When looking at the subject of physician-assisted suicide through the eyes of terminally ill patients who request this service, the negative viewpoints change. Emmanuel Levinas, a Jewish philosopher, closely researched ethics and morals related to the topic of physician-assisted suicide in comparison to the Hippocratic Oath. One immediate objection to assisted suicide can be raised from within a Levinasean perspective. That is, if what constitutes u s primarily as human are our obligations to one another, and not to our rights as individuals, then what of the obligations of a terminally ill person to their community. The obligations (or value) of such a person to their community cannot be measured simply in terms of economics or active contributions. Instead, the drawing together of a community or of family members in service to the needs of a terminal patient could serve to deepen and increase their own humanity. Does the terminal patient have the right to take this possibility, this response-ability, away from society (Degnin 12)? Are physicians preserving a terminally ill patients autonomy and human dignity when fulfilling their request to end their life? Most of the medical schools in todays society use updated versions of the Hippocratic Oath. Only one school, The State University of New York Upstate Medical School in Syracuse, NY, continues to use the traditional version of the Oath at their graduation ceremonies. Dr. Antonio Grotto, from Weill Medical College of Cornell University, admitted that students did laugh when reciting the original version of the famous Oath. [Students] would laugh at certain parts, Dr. Gotto said. Then Id give them dire threats that I wouldnt graduate them the next day if they laughed during the ceremony (OReilly 1). The majority of students graduating from medical schools today no longer are required to say that they will not recommend the idea of ending a persons life. Does this mean the idea is open for actual consideration and should be legal in situations that meet certain criteria in the entire United States as well as other countries throughout the world? There are still many ethical theories and personal beliefs from physicians that object to this idea. 4. Ethical Principles Utilitarianism, the ethical principle of bringing the greatest good to the greatest number of people, is one principle that could be used as a looking glass to view the topic of physician-assisted suicide. Many physicians feel like they were educated to bring relief to those who are suffering from illness or injury. The state of Montana has most recently joined the states that legalize physician-assisted suicide, but they are having trouble finding physicians who will end peoples life upon their request. One patient is upset by the fact that her final wish cannot be carried out due to so many objections. I feel as though my doctors do not feel able to respect my decision to choose aid in dying, said Janet Murdock. Access to physician aid in dying would restore my hope for a peaceful, dignified death in keeping with my values and beliefs. Dr. Kirk Stoner, president of the Montana Medical Association, said assisted suicide goes against the groups code of ethics. Our reason for being is to care for our patients, he said in the AP report (Baklinksi 1). Is good truly being brought to the greatest number of people by allowing the right to die? It may be, if the thing that is good for that person is to end their suffering. There will always be objections to this theory, such as physicians are doing harm by ending life rather than doing good by saving or prolonging it. Kants moral theory focuses on the morals behind an action. Why are we wanting do we want(?) to end this life? What is the true motive? This theory also discusses acting out of duty. or doing what we know is right in our eyes. A doctor finds it right to end suffering or pain, and if this includes ending the persons life for that reason, then they will/should want to do it. Th e belief that people should have the highest intrinsic or monetary value to us also comes into practice (Mackinnon 76). Are we devaluing human life by allowing physician-assisted suicide? Human life is supposed to be regarded as something that is very precious. By allowing physicians to take life away so easily, this could make others feel that it really does not have high intrinsic value, since it can be ended so quickly and easily, with no questions asked. If you are a physician who wants to end a life because you do not like a persons personality or attitude, then this would be considered homicide, at which you would face criminal charges. On the other hand, if you want to end life to end pain, suffering, or to let someone die with dignity from a terminal illness then this would be legal in the eyes of authority, and no criminal charges would be brought against you. This is how Kants followers would view the subject. The end result is not important, but the motives used to get to the end are! Another viewpoint is that of virtue ethics. A person has certain virtues or strengths built into them through the influence of those around them. You become the kind of person you would want to be. Our social interaction with authority figures throughout our upbringing form how we ought to be, or our virtue ethics. Aristotle states that there are two types of virtues: intellectual virtues and moral virtues. Intellectual virtues help us reason and judge well, while moral virtues dispose us to act well (Mackinnon 112). He was most well known for his idea that virtue is the means between the extremes. Our virtues are a middle between deficiency and excess. Physicians or medical students show virtues towards their patients. They want to care for them, give them relief, and/or make them better if they are sick or injured. Are they going against their inner virtues if they participate in physician-assisted suicide? Physician-assisted suicide isnt about physicians becoming killers. Its abou t patients whose suffering we cant relieve, and about not turning away from them when they ask for help. Will there be physicians who feel they cant do this? Of course, and they shouldnt be obliged to. But if other physicians consider it merciful to help such patients by merely writing a prescription, it is unreasonable to place them in jeopardy of criminal prosecution, loss of license, or other penalty for doing so (Rogatz). A physician should be able to bring relief to their patient in any way they see if, and if includes helping someone end their life, then so be it. The physicians obligations are many but, when cure is impossible and palliation has failed to achieve its objectives, there is always a residual obligation to relieve suffering. Ultimately, if the physician has exhausted all reasonable palliative measures, it is the patient-and only the patient-who can judge whether death is harmful or a good to be sought. Marcia Angell, former executive editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, has put it this way: The highest ethical imperative of doctors should be to provide care in whatever way best serves patients interests, in accord with each patients wishes, not with a theoretical commitment to preserve life no matter what the cost in suffering. . . .The greatest harm we can do is to consign a desperate patient to unbearable Suffering or force the patient to seek out a stranger like Dr. Kevorkian (Rogatz).' When applying virtue ethics, we should look as what our own personal beliefs (virtues) are and examine them closely. 5. Physicians, Medical Students, Families, Insurance Companies-Their Views Physicians may never see eye to eye on this highly controversial topic. Some think it is a doctors right to end suffering while others see the practice as going against what the Hippocratic Oath directly states. An organization called Physicians For Compassionate Care Education Foundation is dedicated to preserving the traditional relation of the physician and patient as one in which the physicians primary task is to heal when possible, comfort always, and never intentionally harm. The view of physicians that take part in this practice is help, not harm. You are helping the person by ending their pain and suffering. However, objectors to the practice feel that ending a life is harmful. You are devaluing the potential of that person. Taking them away physically from their family, creating sadness, and ultimately taking away what they have to have to society before it is even fully experienced. That is a very solid argument. Anyone who loses a loved one is going to feel grief, it is natural. I feel that everyone on this earth has a special talent to offer society but how can they offer it fully if they are in constant suffering? The association promotes the health and well being of patients by encouraging physicians to comfort patients and to assist those who are dying by support systems, minimizing pain, and treating depression. The association affirms the health restoring role of the physician and works to educate the profession and the public to the dangers of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. As physicians, they come from primary care specialties as well as subspecialties. They work to support each other and to speak out for the inherent value of human life ( These physicians focus on the belief that the solution to pain and suffering is not death, but good palliative care. The disciples of the cult of euthanasia and assisted suicide would have society believe that the logical solution for pain and suffering is death. They may even see the infliction of death or the provision of assisted suicide as part of hospice palliative care. They pursue with mission ary zeal their gospel of death. Further, they often succeed in getting mainstream media to support their cause. The legalization of euthanasia would remove a patients autonomy and put it into the hands of professionals with potential control issues; who may be angry, sadistic and abusive. In Oregon, people see the legalization of euthanasia as giving autonomy to the person who requests it. They are able to have complete control of their life, give permission to a physician to end it, and once the procedures to approve the action are in place, it is carried out. As was discussed earlier, there are exact criteria that must be met for physician-assisted suicide to be carried out legally. It is a slippery slope where we must retain caution. If we allow euthanasia for someone who is suffering, and we continue to do so, then we may end up allowing it in a case where the criteria are not met. Is there a high likelihood that we would slip? This question is the center of many arguments over this subject. We have all seen colleagues both at the bedside and in health care management who have significant personality flaws, and, lacking compassion for the pain and suffering of others, feel they can take the law into their own hands (Echlin 3). Medical students are now reciting the updated version of the Hippocratic Oath, as we discussed earlier. Does this mean that the subject is becoming okay? Should families be allowed to make this decision for their child who may be on life-support, with little chance of remaining function or should the government take over? It is very expensive to keep someone on life-support when they have a poor prognosis. Is it ethical to end their lives in order to save money? If physician-assisted suicide is legalized throughout the world or the United States, insurance companies may begin to support it. Why spend millions of dollars of palliative or comfort measures, if the person can end their life quickly and easily. Why would we need to spend money to research cures for cancer or other chronic diseases if a persons suffering can be ended this way? Many factors play a part in making a decision of this magnitude. 6. Argument and Conclusion When addressing my ethical question, Is it ethical for a physician to participate in physician-assisted suicide when this practice clearly defies what is stated in the Hippocratic Oath?, I have been influenced by various opinions to believe it can be an ethical practice when closely monitored. Physicians have said that they are trained to care for people, to be a healer. They must examine their own morals when they first take the Hippocratic Oath and begin direct patient care. They do not want to see continual suffering of their patients. To many, it would be more humane to give relief this way than allowing suffering to remain until death. The judgment to allow physician-assisted suicide would give those diagnosed with chronic, debilitating illness hope that their suffering can be relieved when all other methods of relief fail. The patient would also be able to maintain autonomy, having a voice throughout the process. I believe that the system of meeting certain criteria must remain in place if this practice were legalized throughout the country. If it were not, then the motive behind the means (Kant) could not be justified, leading to easy cover-up of homicide. In others views, this practice does devalue human life. I feel if someone is in a state of constant struggle and suffering, what true value does their life have. To them, they may feel as if they are a burden to family and friends. When does life become less precious? These subjects are where this practice sits on a fine line. Life is something that should be nurtured and cared for, event in the event of serious illness or injury. There are holistic ways to provide comfort that can be used on a trial basis, with euthanasia being a last resort. The use of medications, counseling, massage, diet change, and activity level changes. These have all been used to provide relief for those suffering with chronic illnesses and have been shown to be successful. If these practices fail to bring long-term relief and improve quality of life, they should be documented in the criteria when under consideration for physician-assisted suicide. The major objection would be that a physician is trained to make us feel better, and if that means ending life to end pain, then they have failed as a healer. Family and friends never want to see someone they love die. They also not want to see them suffer. They should come together with the afflicted family member to research other methods of relief, while letting the person maintain control of their own life and the situation surrounding it. Overall, physicians should be allowed to participate in this practice when the patient is meeting the criteria that were originally discussed. Many will feel that legalizing physician-assisted suicide completely goes against what medical professionals stated in the Hippocratic Oath, do no harm. They are helping to relieve someones suffering, which is what a physician is trained to do. This practice could be beneficial to many if controlled and used under a watchful eye. For future physicians, they must look inside themselves, and personally examine their own beliefs. They also need to maintain their autonomy. When involved in an ethical dilemma so personal and controversial as this one is, they should have every right to not participate. We control our own actions. In the end it is our choice. In the case of physician-assisted suicide, there are two major participants: the physician and the patient. They must always be heard! If our court could work to lay proper criteria into a groundwork for this practice, I believe it would be beneficial to those who are plagued with chronic pain. The criteria being met would provide proof to others that the situation was closely monitored and it was the persons decision, with no persuasion from the doctor. It is controversial ethical decision, but one that I feel physicians as well as their patients should have voice in. We have a right to be heard!
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Al Capone Biography :: Biography
à à à à à Al Capone was possibly the largest and most feared mofia boss America has ever seen. This 1920ââ¬â¢s gangster made his mark on the world through organized crime during the Prohibition era. He is solely attributed with Chicagoââ¬â¢s reputation as a lawless city. à à à à à Alphonsus Capone was born on January 17, 1899 in Brooklyn, New York. As a child he was a member of the Brooklyn Rippers and the Forty Thieves Juniors ââ¬Å"kid gangs.â⬠Capone quit school at age fourteen in the sixth grade. He worked a few odd jobs in Manhattan in a bowling alley and a candy store. Then Capone took a position as a bouncer in Frankie Yaleââ¬â¢s Brooklyn dive and the Harvard Inn. While working at the Inn he was attacked by a man and received the facial scars that would give him the byname ââ¬Å"Scarface.â⬠à à à à à Capone met Anne ââ¬Å"Maeâ⬠Coughlin at a dance in 1918. Later that year on December 4, 1918 she gave birth to their son, Albert ââ¬Å"Sonnyâ⬠Francis. Less than a month later they were married. à à à à à Capone became a member of the Five Points gang in Manhattan. During this time he hospitalized a rival gang member in a fight. Feeling the heat from the conflicting group, he moved his family to Chicago. He began to work for John Torrio, an old partner and mentor of Yale. Capone was soon helping to manage Torrioââ¬â¢s bootlegging business. He quickly gained the respect of Torrio and became his number two man. After being shot by an opposing gang member, Torrio left Chicago. Capone became boss of the ââ¬Å"outfit.â⬠Torrioââ¬â¢s men respected Capone and trusted his business decisions. They referred to Capone as ââ¬Å"the big man.â⬠In the next five years he expanded his industry of crime. Capone controlled speakeasies, nightclubs, brothels, gambling houses, and much more. His bootlegging provided the city of Chicago with alcohol during prohibition. Capone had a reported income of $100,000,000 a year. à à à à à Capone had an intricate spy network throughout Chicago. Crooked police men let him prepare for liquor raids and some of his other men made him aware of assassination plots. He would use hotels as his headquarters and front businesses for a hideout. Capone was always good at successfully knocking off his enemies when they became too powerful. Although he killed men himself, it was much safer for his henchmen to do his dirty work. Caponeââ¬â¢s men would rent an apartment across the street from their target and gun him down when he stepped outside. These operations were quick and precise, and Capone always had an alibi. à à à à à On St. Valentines Day, 1929, four of Caponeââ¬â¢s cohorts entered the
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Machiavellian Monkeys, James Shreeve, Discover, June 1991 Essay
ââ¬Å"The sneaky skills of our primate cousins suggest that we may oweà our great intelligence to an inherited need to deceive.â⬠à Machiavellian Monkeys, James Shreeve, Discover, June 1991. Fraud. Deception. Infidelity. Theft. When these words are spoken, or read, the first thought is of human traits. Not once would someone think of animals as being capable of such actions, but people forget that humans are animals, and that the human animal evolved from a creature that had common ancestry with the great apes. Is it surprising then that these seemingly humanistic traits are found in primates? James Shreeve discusses the findings of hundreds of primatologists, which support the notion of Machiavellian intelligence in primates. He studied Machiavellian Intelligence in baboons, chimps, lemurs and lorises, and concluded that social primates exhibit this intelligence and those that live in small groups or in solitude do not. First, letââ¬â¢s examine the term Machiavellian. The dictionary definition is: characterized by subtle or unscrupulous cunning, deception, expediency, or dishonesty. By suggesting Machiavellian intelligence, Shreeve implies that these types of behaviour are not simply conditioned responses to stimuli, but conscious thought. This might not be blatantly obvious as important to physical anthropology, but it does suggest a number of important ideas as to the development of man. Lesser primates, such as lemurs and lorises, do not exhibit any type of deceptive traits, but when more advanced primates are examined, it can be seen that as the size of the brain increases, there are increasingly more complicated tactics used to deceive others of their own species. It is interesting to note that humans have brains roughly three times larger thanà would be expected, and also exhibit the most complex Machiavellian behaviours. An important observation that Shreeve points out is that primates such as the orang-utan, who lead solitary lives and have no need for social skills, do not exhibit any signs of Machiavellian traits. This observation, together with the observation of brain size and primate order, suggests that Machiavellian behaviour may not be a result of intelligence, but was, actually, an important factor in the development of it. For example, a creature that is able to consciously deceive others in order to get food or breed has a distinct advantage over those who do not. When considered with the need for large social groups, this ability of deception and trickery becomes even more important which can help explain why humans have evolved with their huge brains. Humans could not have become as successful as they have without incredible social skills, including those skills considered Machiavellian. Shreeve notes that this is also consistent with chimpanzees, who have a great advantage with these abilities. The advantage is a result of their social structure (large groups that constantly vary) meaning that there would be no advantage if chimpanzees lived solitary lives. If there is any doubt that Machiavellian intelligence gives an individual a greater chance of surviving and reproducing, the case of concealment, as observed with stump-tailed macaques and hamadryas baboons leaves no doubt. By concealing their relationship with, arousal by, or physical nearness to the potential mate from the dominant male(s), an individual finds breeding is possible; without this intelligence, it would be far less likely, if not impossible. Although Machiavellian behaviour is somewhat controversial in terms of it being human nature, it does seem to indicate intelligence not so different than that found in the great apes. Perhaps this is why people tend to resist the idea that humans are fundamentally Machiavellian in nature; it is behaviour that seems too animalistic. It does seem, though, that the exactà opposite could be true: Machiavellian behaviour is humanistic behaviour evident in the animals we call primates. No matter how we look at it, the fact remains that the observation of this type of behaviour in primates is significant to physical anthropology.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Italy Information Essay
Italy Information Essay Italy Information Essay Historical Italian Figures Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) Youngest ever Prime Minister of Italy, in 1922 transformed the office into a dictatorship. Created Fascist Party Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882) Folk hero, military leader, political leader. Adopted the ââ¬Å"Red Shirtsâ⬠and captured Sicily and Naples and allowed them to join Kingdom of Italy. Michelangelo (1475-1564) Architect, painter, sculptor and poet. Most famous Italian artist; ââ¬Å"Sistine Chapelâ⬠Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) Mathematician, artist, inventor and writer. ââ¬Å"The Last Supperâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Mona Lisaâ⬠. Marco Polo (1254-1324) Explorer and journalist. Wrote ââ¬Å"the Travels of Marco Poloâ⬠Galileo (1564-1642) Mathematician and astronomer. Laid foundation for modern science, physics and astronomy. St. Francis of Assisi ( 1181-1226) Saint. Abandoned life of luxury and devoted life to Christianity. Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) Explorer whom discovered ââ¬Å"New World of the Americasâ⬠in 1492 Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) nurse known as ââ¬Å"Lady with the Lampâ⬠, spending nights caring for wounded soldiers and reducing death count by 2/3rds. Boticelli (1444-1510) early renaissance painter ââ¬Å"Birth of Venusâ⬠Biographical Profile Julius Caesar Birthdate: 100 BCE Death: 44 BCE Place of Birth and Death: Rome, Italy Full Name: Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus Augustus Children: Son Caesarion with Cleopatra Important events: Fought in several wars, became involved in Roman politics Negotiator between Crassus and Pompey Made ââ¬Å"Dictator for Lifeâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Father of Countryâ⬠Relieved debt and reformed Senate Reformed Roman Calendar Reorganized local government His assassination led by Longinus and Brutus on the Ides of March First Roman figure to be deified, given title ââ¬Å"The Divine Juliusâ⬠2 years after death Historical Event Dictatorship of Mussolini Benito Mussolini was born on July 29, 1883. The son of a blacksmith, he moved to Switzerland where he became involved in Socialist politics. He moved back to Italy in 1904 working as a journalist and was drafted into the Italian army in 1915. In 1919 he formed the Fascist Party. He organized unemployed war veterans into armed ââ¬Å"Black Shirtsâ⬠. Mussolini gradually dismantled all institutions of government and in 1925 made himself dictator. He eventually was captured and killed. Italian History The history of Italy can be divided into 7 distinct eras. Pre-History ââ¬â thousands of rock drawings were discovered in the Alpine regions of Lombardy date around 8000 BC. There were also settlements throughout the Cooper Age, Bronze Age and the Iron Age. Roman Empire ( 5th Century BC to 5th Century AD) ââ¬â Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus in Etruscan, Italy in 735 BC. Over the next several centuries, Rome expanded its territories into the well-known ââ¬Å"Roman Empireâ⬠. The Romans named the Italian peninsular ââ¬Å"Italiaâ⬠. Italia flourished until the Roman Empire ended with the death of Augustus Caesar. Middle Ages (6th to 14th Century) - Began with multiple invasions including Ostrogoths conquering the Italian Peninsula, the Gothic War and the Lombards establishing a kingdom in North Italy and 3 regions in the South. Popes began building independent states and when the French defeated Lombards, the Papal States were created. The Renaissance (14th to 16th Century) ââ¬â At this point in history there was a lot of disparity. The north was prosperous and the central and south were struggling. Naples, Sicily and Sardinia were controlled by foreign powers. A cultural movement began in Tuscany. The Medici family, a major contributor of the arts, introduced artistic greats, Da Vinci, Michelangelo and Botticelli. Italian popes rebuilt the city and Rome flourished. Tuscan dialect became the official language. Foreign Rule (1559-1814) ââ¬â A dark period in Italian history. France invaded Northern Italy, Spain and Germany attacked Rome.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Battle of Okinawa in World War II
Battle of Okinawa in World War II The Battle of Okinawa was one of the largest and costliest military actions during World War II (1939ââ¬â1945) and lasted between April 1 and June 22, 1945. Forces Commanders Allies Fleet Admiral Chester NimitzAdmiral Raymond SpruanceAdmiral Sir Bruce FraserLieutenant General Simon B. Buckner, Jr.Lieutenant General Roy GeigerGeneral Joseph Stilwell183,000 men Japanese General Mitsuru UshijimaLieutenant General Isamu ChoVice Admiral Minoru Ota100,000 men Background Having island-hopped across the Pacific, Allied forces sought to capture an island near Japan to serve as a base for air operations in support of the proposed invasion of the Japanese home islands. Assessing their options, the Allies decided to land on Okinawa in the Ryukyu Islands. Dubbed Operation Iceberg, planning began with Lieutenant General Simon B. Buckners 10th Army tasked with taking the island. The operation was scheduled to move forward following the conclusion of fighting on Iwo Jima which had been invaded in February 1945. To support the invasion at sea, Admiral Chester Nimitz assigned Admiral Raymond Spruances U.S. 5th Fleet (Map). This included the carriers Vice Admiral Marc A. Mitschers Fast Carrier Task Force (Task Force 58). Allied Forces For the coming campaign, Buckner possessed nearly 200,000 men. These were contained in Major General Roy Geigers III Amphibious Corps (1st and 6th Marine Divisions) and Major General John Hodges XXIV Corps (7th and 96th Infantry Divisions). In addition, Buckner controlled the 27th and 77th Infantry Divisions, as well as the 2nd Marine Division. Having effectively eliminated the bulk of the Japanese surface fleet at engagements such as the Battle of the Philippine Sea and the Battle of Leyte Gulf, Spruances 5th Fleet was largely unopposed at sea. As part of his command, he possessed Admiral Sir Bruce Frasers British Pacific Fleet (BPF/Task Force 57). Featuring armored flight decks, the BPFs carriers proved more resistant to damage from Japanese kamikazes and were tasked with providing cover for the invasion force as well as striking enemy airfields in theà Sakishima Islands. Japanese Forces The defense of Okinawa was initially entrusted to General Mitsuru Ushijimas 32nd Army which consisted of the 9th, 24th, and 62nd Divisions and the 44th Independent Mixed Brigade. In the weeks before the American invasion, the 9th Division was ordered to Formosa forcing Ushijima to alter his defensive plans. Numbering between 67,000 and 77,000 men, his command was further supported by Rear Admiral Minoru Otas 9,000 Imperial Japanese Navy troops at Oroku. To augment his forces further, Ushijima drafted nearly 40,000 civilians to serve as reserve militia and rear-echelon laborers. In planning his strategy, Ushijima intended to mount his primary defense in the southern part of the island and entrusted fighting at the northern end to Colonel Takehido Udo. Additionally, plans were made to employ large-scale kamikaze tactics against the Allied invasion fleet. Campaign at Sea The naval campaign against Okinawa began in late March 1945, as the carriers of the BPF began striking Japanese airfields in the Sakishima Islands. To the east of Okinawa, Mitschers carrier provided cover from kamikazes approaching from Kyushu. Japanese air attacks proved light the first several days of the campaign but increased on April 6 when a force of 400 aircraft attempted to attack the fleet. The high point of the naval campaign came on April 7 when the Japanese launched Operation Ten-Go. This saw them attempt to run the battleship Yamato through the Allied fleet with the goal of beaching it on Okinawa for use a shore battery. Intercepted by Allied aircraft, Yamato and its escorts were immediately attacked. Struck by multiple waves of torpedo bombers and dive bombers from Mitschers carriers, the battleship was sunk that afternoon. As the land battle progressed, Allied naval vessels remained in the area and were subjected to a relentless succession of kamikaze attacks. Flying around 1,900 kamikaze missions, the Japanese sunk 36 Allied ships, mostly amphibious vessels and destroyers. An additional 368 were damaged. As a result of these attacks, 4,907 sailors were killed and 4,874 were wounded. Due to the protracted and exhausting nature of the campaign, Nimitz took the drastic step of relieving his principal commanders at Okinawa to allow them to rest and recuperate. As result, Spruance was relieved by Admiral William Halsey in late May and Allied naval forces were re-designated the 3rd Fleet. Going Ashore Initial U.S. landings began on March 26 when elements of the 77th Infantry Division captured the Kerama Islands to the west of Okinawa. On March 31, Marines occupied Keise Shima. Only eight miles from Okinawa, the Marines quickly emplaced artillery on these islets to support future operations. The main assault moved forward against the Hagushi beaches on the west coast of Okinawa on April 1. This was supported by a feint against the Minatoga beaches on the southeast coast by the 2nd Marine Division. Coming ashore, Geiger and Hodges men quickly swept across the south-central part of the island capturing the Kadena and Yomitan airfields (Map). Having encountered light resistance, Buckner ordered the 6th Marine Division to begin clearing the northern part of the island. Proceeding up the Ishikawa Isthmus, they battled through rough terrain before encountering the main Japanese defenses on the Motobu Peninsula. Centered on the ridges of Yae-Take, the Japanese mounted a tenacious defense before being overcome on April 18. Two days earlier, the 77th Infantry Division landed on the island of Ie Shima offshore. In five days of fighting, they secured the island and its airfield. During this brief campaign, famed war correspondent Ernie Pyle was killed by Japanese machine gun fire. Grinding South Though fighting in the northern part of the island was concluded in fairly rapid fashion, the southern part proved a different story. Though he did not expect to defeat the Allies, Ushijima sought to make their victory as costly as possible. To this end, he had constructed elaborate systems of fortifications in the rugged terrain of southern Okinawa. Pushing south, Allied troops fought a bitter battle to capture Cactus Ridge on April 8, before moving against Kakazu Ridge. Forming part of Ushijimas Machinato Line, the ridge was a formidable obstacle and an initial American assault was repulsed (Map). Counterattacking, Ushijima sent his men forward on the nights of April 12 and 14, but was turned back both times. Reinforced by the 27th Infantry Division, Hodge launched a massive offensive on April 19 backed by the largest artillery bombardment (324 guns) employed during the island-hopping campaign. In five days of brutal fighting, U.S. troops forced the Japanese to abandon the Machinato Line and fall back to a new line in front of Shuri. As much of the fighting in the south had been conducted by Hodges men, Geigers divisions entered the fray in early May. On May 4, Ushijima again counterattacked, but heavy losses caused him to halt his efforts the next day. Achieving Victory Making skillful use of caves, fortifications, and the terrain, the Japanese clung to the Shuri Line limiting Allied gains and inflicting high losses. Much of the fighting centered on heights known as Sugar Loaf and Conical Hill. In heavy fighting between May 11 and 21, the 96th Infantry Division succeeded in taking the latter and flanking the Japanese position. Taking Shuri, Buckner pursued the retreating Japanese but was hampered by heavy monsoon rains. Assuming a new position on the Kiyan Peninsula, Ushijima prepared to make his last stand. While troops eliminated the IJN forces at Oroku, Buckner pushed south against the new Japanese lines. By June 14, his men had begun to breach Ushijimas final line along the Yaeju Dake Escarpment. Compressing the enemy into three pockets, Buckner sought to eliminate enemy resistance. On June 18, he was killed by enemy artillery while at the front. Command on the island passed to Geiger who became the only Marine to oversee large formations of the U.S. Army during the conflict. Five days later, he turned command over to General Joseph Stilwell.à A veteran of the fighting in China, Stilwell saw the campaign through until its finish. On June 21, the island was declared secure, though fighting lasted another week as the last Japanese forces were mopped up. Defeated, Ushijima committed hara-kiri on June 22. Aftermath One of the longest and costliest battles of the Pacific Theater, Okinawa saw American forces sustain 49,151 casualties (12,520 killed), while the Japanese incurred 117,472 (110,071 killed). In addition, 142,058 civilians became casualties. Though effectively reduced to a wasteland, Okinawa quickly became a key military asset for the Allies as it provided a key fleet anchorage and troop staging areas. In addition, it gave the Allies airfields that were only 350 miles from Japan. Selected Sources U.S. Army: Okinawa - The Last BattleHistoryNet: Battle of OkinawaGlobal Security: Battle of OkinawaU.S. Army: Okinawa - The Last Battle
Monday, November 4, 2019
Religion and Law in U.S Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Religion and Law in U.S - Essay Example Though the government cannot interfere with religion itself, they may step in when and if they feel the need; especially if a certain ritual is putting a person at risk . An example of the conflict that is seen with the oxymoronic clauses which supposedly go hand in hand is in the religious cult refered to as the Jehovaââ¬â¢s Witnesses. The government or authorities will not restrict the religion itself but the behavior and affects of the rituals can be brought to their attention. They therefore are obliged to restrict religious-related activities that interfere with the wellbeing of a person. Itsââ¬â¢ all done in the name of ââ¬Å"the lawâ⬠Another example of the two clauses being inforced but yet scrutinized is in the prosecution of polygamy. The idea of polygamy states that as many can have more than one wife and father as many children as possible. The court upheld Mr. Reynoldââ¬â¢s, in Reynoldââ¬â¢s Vs. the United States, convition and they believed that if they did not stand up against such behavior, they were indirectly allowing other practices to take place such as human sacrifice. Combining both clauses together, the US has documented its existence in the 1st amendment and has named it the ââ¬Å"religion clausesâ⬠because they both thereby state their involvement in protecting the human race while at the same time, giving freedom of religion itself and expression in a country and a land that is free. Without theses clauses, people would get away with murder claiming it was done in the ââ¬Å"name of God or Allah.â⬠Both clauses is an issue of preference allowing people to choose the religion they want to be involved in. Without their freedom, people are bound by regulations they perceived to have vanished before touching down on U.S. soil. The clauses also state that they cannot force anyone to worship a certain way nor can they create establishments favoring one form of religion or the other. With this
Friday, November 1, 2019
Compare and Contrast the 1991 and 2003 Iraq War Case Study
Compare and Contrast the 1991 and 2003 Iraq War - Case Study Example In addition was the allegation that Kuwait was stealing Iraqi oil from the Rumaila oil field by using slant drilling technology. Lastly, Kuwait had refused to allow Iraq access to the Persian Gulf. As a result, in May 1990, the world saw Saddam Hussein openly attacking the Kuwait economic warfare in the Arab League meeting. As Hinnebusch (2007) points out, even after the Iraq threat of military action if Kuwait failed to control over-production, the tiny nation remained firm on its decisions; and the support, undoubtedly came from the US. This fact is evident from the understanding that the US military was preparing for a war against Iraq. For example, in 1989 itself, America had revamped its military doctrine in the Middle East. To illustrate, General Normal Schwarzkopf had already started war games in which US troops fought the Iraqi troops even before the Iraqi aggression on Kuwait. In addition is the fact that the US could not produce any proof to support their claims of Iraqi tr oop deployment against Kuwait. This is especially important considering the fact that Russia produced such satellite imageries that show no important troop deployment from the part of Iraq that threatened Kuwait. Here, one has to again remember that there was no movement from the President to promote diplomacy and negotiations. Evidently, the US wanted to reduce the power and influence of Iraq in the oil rich region of Middle East. So, for the US, a war was necessary. This becomes very evident from the American aggression on Iraq a second time, and this time, on an even weaker and unbelievable basis. The allegation was that Iraq had a role in the 9/11 attack. Though the US could not come up with a believable story up to this time, the idea was supported by the hardliners in the nation. As Kitfield (n.d.) states, another allegation was that there were WMDs but even after the war, no such evidences were brought to the world. In total, one can say that the aggression of Iraq on Kuwait was not a matter of more concern to America than to United Nations. According to Kitfield (n.d), if it took special interest in the matter, it had its own interests to be protected. In order to gain international support, America went on asserting that Iraq was violating Resolution 1441 of 2002 that mandated Iraq to fully declare and eliminate its WMD programs. Also, America got the opinion of other nations including France, Germany, Russia, and China that Iraq was not properly following the guidelines. However, they were not in agreement with the American interest in an immediate attack as they thought the UN efforts should be given more time. Admittedly, the United Nations exhibited its inability and vulnerability to the world in the Iraq wars. For example, the Council used its Chapter VII powers to allow the coalition under the US to take military actions. Soon, there was Operation Desert Shield and Storm, but there arose the issue that the military action was not authorized. For the purpose, Security Council Resolution 687 was passed on 29 November 1990. Here, the council, instead of showing any clearly defined responsibility, made the vague statement that the Security Council be regularly informed. According to Resolution 687, all weapons of mass destruction had to be removed. So, the sanctions for military action under the resolution would remain in force until this end
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